Mexico is a big country with a large population and half of the coffee produced in Mexico is consumed there. Mexico is quite consistently the fourth largest producer of the world’s supply of coffee. The three main grades of Mexican export coffee are all washed Arabicas; Prima Lavada, Bueno Lavado, and Altura; In English, Prime Washed, Good Washed and High-Grown; High Grown being the favored grade. The United States purchases a great majority of Mexico’s coffee. These coffee’s usually possess a fine bouquet and acidity and are popular coffee's for blending. Roughly one quarter of Mexico’s work force is engaged in agriculture. Mexico supplies most of it’s own basic needs as well as exporting products and produce. Mexico’s other major export commodities include sugarcane, corn, soybeans and brandy. (You can find information on Mexican brandy in Cognac & Brandies: "Origins")